Argh! I hate to do this, but today’s real strip is only about halfway done. Sorry, folks.
Playing around just a bit with Microsoft Flow, and it’s pretty cool. My primary need is integrated CRM/Dynamics 365 and SharePoint Online, but you can do pretty much anything! And they’re adding new services/APIs all the time. ๐ In fact, this post itself is part of a test flow, between WordPress and Twitter! How cool is that?
Iย can’t wait till this hits the shelves!
Lego unveils minifigure wheelchair at Nuremberg toy fair!
Also, yes, I’m still around. And working on everything BUT the strip. Still. Ugh.!
Anyway… I’ve temporarily taken down the “Ring of Five Books strips – I’ve decided to wait until I have time to properly devote to the series, and then revive it. Apologies to all!
Okay, since it’s Tuesday, I decided I should post something… Wait – what? It’s Wednesday?! That’s about how things have been for me the past month. Hence the mini-hiatus the strip has been on.
Good news is, I think after this week, we will be back to mornal! Sorry – normal. The customer coding marathon is pretty much over, we’ve deployed to production, and I’m conducting user orientation and training any day now. w00t! Next week, I should begin posting strips again – provided I can remember where we were in the storyline! ๐
Even better news (for me at least) are these babies:

This Azure cert has been hanging over my head for months like some crazy Sword of Damocles. In fact, it’s been such a cloud over me (pun intended, be sure) that the entirety of the second book in Penny’s journey (coming soon) is completely inspired by it! So glad I finally knocked it out today – Hah! Take that, Azure! You has been pwned!
Okay, yeah. No strip ready for tomorrow, as you might have guessed. This week has been a crazy blur of coding and debugging over a bagpipe-laced Celtic Punk backdrop. 60+ hours, and it’s just Thursday. Who needs Red Bull and cheese puffs when ya got the Real McKenzies and Prednisone?
Hopefully I can finish the current strip over the weekend and get it posted for next Tuesday – if I’m lucky, we’ll only have lost a week. Thanks for your forbearance! ๐