Decisive Action May31 by pHil Rittenhouse on May 31, 2013 at 12:01 am Chapter: Comic In which the Doctor expresses extreme disapproval of Penelope’s rather direct manner. Related
Beautiful 😛
Heh heh heh. I’m thinking of a certain scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark now.
That was one of my favorite scenes in Raiders! Even better that it was ad-libbed by Harrison Ford on the spot. 🙂
I’m thinking of a certain scene from Tomb Raider that a lot of fuss was made about. Good job you didn’t show Hello Kitty being smashed or you’d have a lot of angrey Buddhists
You’re probably right. 🙂 Though I’m waiting for Whovians to point out this strip’s error, according to ‘The Angels Take Manhattan”…