In which Shakespeare the Bobby Guard explains that the best defense is, on occasion, pretty offensive.
Archive for January, 2013
In which Penelope and Cy Klopps are stunned by the sudden return of Shakespeare from the dead – or at least his office.
In which Shakespeare has gained a new position, and Know/Idea gains another new boss.
Okay, self-indulgence time! I was particularly pleased with how Bob Zombie turned out, and wanted to share some details. Since the flesh needed to be dropping from his bones (à la Henry Lee :)) he needed a skull under the flesh of his head. Additionally, a later strip calls for the skull to be articulated and for him to have a thick, meaty tongue. Add in a few cutesy worms crawling about in his hair, and there you go – Penny starts another new year with another new boss!
A special nod of thanks to Jason Freeny.
In which Cy Klopps explains that a simple congested word can have lasting impact upon the lives of others.
In which Penelope reveals just how fragile a thing management can be.
I’ve had some fun lately studying up on various cryptography topics. One thing that’s caught my fancy is Steganography – a way to embed encoded images INSIDE other images. Pretty neat stuff. Hypothetically, one could use a program such as SteganPeg to take an image, like say, today’s comic strip, and embed within it another picture using a password – maybe something like “easteregg” – and no one would even know it was there, unless they knew to look for it. Neat, huh?