Archive for comic
In which the Bobs explain the nature of their captor’s contraption, yet fail to grasp the source of their own immunity.
In which the villainous assistants return, and young Penelope escapes, apparently to be the sole survivor.
In which young Penelope has a new suit, and the strip has no gag. It happens.
(Faithful long-time readers will need no explanation of Penny’s little sewing project, but new initiates might want to refer back to the strips from January 2012. This particular costume first appeared in a dream Penny had starting in Secret Origins, which was a little mini-arc inside the larger “New Boss” arc, which began on January 9, 2012 with Under New Management. And now… let the battle commence!)
In which Britchick is surprised by the Librarian’s counter-attack, and is at a loss for words.
Bonus: Special Alternate Ending!
Today’s strip features an extra, alternate ending specially crafted for uber-nerds only!
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