Archive for comic
In which Penelope succumbs to a fit of boredom, and breathes a sigh of relief disbelief.
Some day, when I’m famous, the entry for this strip in the Overstreet Webcomic Price Guide will read: “Origin and 1st appearance Little Johnny Latex, the Inflated Surgical-glove-headed Boy” 🙂
In which Young Penny and her new-found compatriot consider some of the weightier matters of existence.
In which young Penelope discovers that the most effective managers are those who can see afar off the long-term consequences of their decisions.
Sad to say, this strip is based on an actual event. Also why they’re named, “the Bobs”… 😉
In which Penny exercises the philosophy that if a job is worth not doing, it’s worth not doing right.
In which Penelope explains that although users, like cows, walk just as fast if you lead them … she likes smackin’ em.